
students sitting and posing at a fountain


We start building a community right away—before most people even get to campus in fact. You and your fellow BRIDGES members can move onto campus early by attending our exclusive pre-orientation retreat weekend. Not only will you get to meet like-minded students and settle in before other first-year students, you will also get to:

  • get insider tips on how to make the transition to Pitt a successful and enjoyable one,
  • interact with Pitt’s world-class faculty members,
  • participate in fun activities with BRIDGES mentors and incoming students, and
  • explore the campus and city.

The BRIDGES Retreat this year will be August 14-16, 2024.  

Registration Opens Summer 2025

Pitt Stops

BRIDGES students experience similar goals, challenges, and victories. So once a month, we get together in small groups with a BRIDGES mentor and talk about it. You’ll have the chance to share your success stories, ask questions, learn about unique campus opportunities and find new resources. It’s a relaxed, yet structured peer advising opportunity, where you can get advice or give it. A crowd favorite among current BRIDGES students, attendance at the monthly Pitt Stops are the only requirement to maintain your BRIDGES membership.


Network with the folks who know how to make it in the medical professions. Study for finals with your friends. Check out the University Honors College or connect to an internship. Strategize about how to maximize your time to get the most out of your studies and your social life. BRIDGES offers a wide range of events to keep you connected and move you toward your post-graduation goals.