Become a Peer Educator for Study Lab!

Applications for Tutors and Learning Guides for Fall 2024 are closed. Applications for Spring 2025 will open in November.

The Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences is looking for academically successful (GPA 3.0 or better) students to serve as Peer Tutors in Economics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Neuroscience and Statistics and Learning Guides to support students in weekly study sessions in the General Chemistry sequence. Applications will continue to be accepted until all positions are filled. Applicants are assessed for interpersonal skills, trainability, course content knowledge, and ability to commit to the training program. Interested applications must have received a grade of B+ or better in the course(s) in which they would like to support.

A Study Lab peer educator must demonstrate an ability to quickly establish rapport and communicate well with students. Study Lab Tutors and Learning Guides function as a coach to assist students in becoming successful, independent learners. Peer educators support students in developing appropriate learning strategies, behaviors, and understanding of content material while integrating effective study and learning strategies to maximize their students' potential for academic progress and success.

Training is an essential component of working in Study Lab. The training program allows peer educators to explore their own teaching and learning styles through a combination of group discussions, interactive instruction, case studies, and individual research on subject specific teaching and learning strategies. All Study Lab peer educators are required to complete training as a CRLA Level 1 tutor. 

Peer Tutor Position

Peer tutors provide individual and small group tutoring sessions in subjects the tutor has attained a grade of B+ or better. As a member of the tutor team, tutors maintain ongoing communication with the coordinator of the tutor program. Preference is given for tutors who can tutor at least 2 of the courses in which we offer tutoring and can commit to working for more than 1 term. Peer tutoring is currently offered for these courses. Tutors must work a minimum of 6 hours per week. Tutors must be able to tutor in more than one course and preference is given for students who can commit to tutoring for at least one academic year. 

Tutor Responsibilities

  1. Participate in the 1-credit required tutor preparation class held once a week. The Fall 2024 course will be offered on Wednesdays from 11-11:50am, Thursdays from 3-3:50pm, and Fridays 10-10:50am.

  2. Tutor students in specific course material while integrating study and learning strategies to promote independent learning during one-on-one or small group settings for at least 6 but up to 10 hours per week. 

Tutor Program Schedule

The tutor program is available during the fall, spring, and summer terms. Individual and group tutoring begins the third week of the fall and spring terms and at the beginning of the summer term. Tutoring during the summer session will be optional for all trained tutors and will be based upon demand and student availability. Each term tutors are required to attend a full staff tutor meeting the Sunday tutoring begins.

Hours and Compensation

Tutors work between 6 and 10 hours per week. The current starting wage is $12.00 per hour.


Learning Guide Position

We are looking for highly qualified candidates to help us grow this program to support student success in the general chemistry sequence. As a Learning Guide you would work closely with a small group of students taking CHEM 0110, 0120 or 0960 and meet weekly to facilitate small group activities that promote collaborative learning between students and the development of critical thinking and problem solving skills. Expectations are for Learning Guides to work a total of 4 hours per week: one hour for a required weekly meeting, 1 hour for running the actual study session and 2 hours for planning, documentation and session follow-up.

Learning Guide Responsibilities

  1. Participate in the 1-credit required training class held once a week. The Fall 2024 course will be offered on Wednesdays from 11-11:50am, Thursdays from 3-3:50pm, and Fridays 10-10:50am.

  2. Create and implement engaging activities to support students taking General Chemistry. 

  3. Complete weekly independent planning and administrative tasks.

Learning Guide Program Schedule

Co-Lab is available during the fall and spring terms. Groups begin in the third week of the term. Each term Learning Guides are required to attend a full staff meeting the Sunday before programming begins. 

Hours and Compensation

Learning Guides work between 4 hours per week if running one group, 6 hours per week if running two groups. The current starting wage is $13.00 per hour.

Application Process

An application, cover letter, copy of an unofficial transcript and two references must be submitted as part of the application process. 

After applications are received and reviewed, interviews will be scheduled with qualified candidates. The interview will assess interpersonal skills, discuss academic and personal goals, and determine the compatibility of these goals with the objectives of the undergraduate peer education program.

Applicants must provide two recommendations. One must be from a faculty member from one of the courses they wish to tutor for, or from your General Chemistry professor if applying as a Learning Guide, and the other may be another professional reference or professor. Recommendations must be completed before a student can be hired as a tutor. If you have any questions regarding the recommendations please email

If you would like to apply for both positions, you only need to submit two references to either the Tutor or Learning Guide reference form and indicate your desire to apply for both positions in your cover letter. You can also use the same cover letter for both online applications.  

A cover letter should address the following: 

  1. Identify the subject(s) you are applying as a Tutor or Learning Guide for (list of courses).
  2. Why do you want to become a peer educator? How does this position align with your personal goals and what do you hope to gain from this position?
  3. Describe any prior experience you have that is relevant to teaching students. What was challenging about those experiences and what did you enjoy?

Applications are accepted until all positions are filled. The online applications and reference forms can be found here:

Tutor Application

Learning Guide Application

Tutor Reference Form 

Learning Guide Reference Form