If you have taken AP exams, IB exams, or A-Level exams and know your scores, view the Advanced Placement Courses and Credit (PDF) resource to see what credits you could be awarded to use toward your Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences degree. To receive the college credit you have earned, you will need to have your official scores sent to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid.
PLEASE NOTE the following:
- If you are expecting test credits for a course that is a prerequisite for a more advanced course you are interested in taking, please discuss this with your academic advisor during your initial meeting.
If you decide to enroll in a course for which you have already received credits as a result of your AP/IB/A-Level exam scores, you will forfeit those credits after the third week of classes (at the extended drop deadline), even if you decide to withdraw from the course or resign from all of your courses during the term.
Additionally, if you have completed any College in High School or Dual Enrollment coursework through another college or university, make arrangements to have an official transcript from those institution(s) sent to the Dietrich School's Office of Student Records to evaluate your coursework for any applicable transfer credits that may be awarded. Official transcripts must be sent directly from the college or university to studentrecords@as.pitt.edu or sent by mail to:
Office of Student Records
University of Pittsburgh
140 Thackeray Hall
139 University Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15260