This application based program serves historically marginalized students who are university scholarship recipients and/ or grant recipients. Students within BRIDGES engage in a tailored first-year cohort experience that is rooted in mentorship, resource building and academic coursework.

Students laughing
Build Your Connection from the Start

Join a Personalized First-year Experience

Students will have the opportunity to partake in a pre-orientation retreat, tailored sections of Academic Foundations and social outings with other first-year students and Pitt upperclassmen. Browse through our website to explore if BRIDGES is the program for you.


A student smiles while reviewing notes on her laptop
FP 0004 - Academic Foundations for BRIDGES Students

This one-credit course is your insiders’ guide to Pitt, connecting you to valuable academic resources and opportunities, introducing you to the campus and the city, and providing the opportunity to meet other new students in small classes. Whether you’re an out-of-state student or have lived in the Pittsburgh region your entire life, this course will provide you with indispensable information and tips for navigating your new home.

Students at an event
BRIDGES Peer Mentors

Lots of programs offer peer mentoring. What makes BRIDGES mentors different is that each and every one of them started just where you are today. They came to Pitt on a scholarship and decided to join our community to meet new people, maximize their academic performance, and experience Pitt to the fullest. Having been in your shoes, our mentors are uniquely positioned to share the tricks of the trade that will help you get the most out of your education and your time at Pitt. They’re like your well-connected older siblings on campus.

Students at a sporting event

We start building a community right away—before most people even get to campus in fact. You and your fellow BRIDGES members can move onto campus early by attending our exclusive pre-orientation retreat weekend. Not only will you get to meet like-minded students and settle in before other first-year students, you will also get to:

  • get insider tips on how to make the transition to Pitt a successful and enjoyable one,
  • interact with Pitt’s world-class faculty members,
  • participate in fun activities with BRIDGES mentors and incoming students, and
  • explore the campus and city.