Assistant Deans

This is not the principal's office...

As Assistant Deans, we are educators, connectors, and advisors. We are here to support your success by sharing resources for navigating college life, fostering curiosity, building social networks, developing your intellectual pursuits, and so much more. We are here to listen to your concerns and identify solutions. We understand the ups, downs, and sideways moments that can happen in college. After all, we’ve been there: as students, as instructors, and now as advocates for your personal and academic achievement.

Give us a call and schedule a meeting to discuss your academic pursuits, challenges, or otherwise.


Meet the Assistant Deans


George Bandik smiles in front of chalkboard in a classroom

"I think one of the great things for you all to know is that all of our Assistant Deans are first and foremost faculty members. We're all in the classroom on a very regular basis. Most of us do a lot of advising also, so we're very in touch with what's going on with students today and what's happening on Pitt's campus. The other thing you need to know is we're really all on your side. So if you have any questions or concerns about your academic experience, what might be going on in the classroom, any of those kinds of things, I really encourage you make an appointment to see one of us. I guarantee you, if you get to see me, I will be happy to talk to you!"

—George Bandik
 Teaching Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry
Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies