
Exterior of Posvar Hall

Join us for an Academic Open House!

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the College of General Studies are hosting an Academic Open House for all new students from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Friday, August 23 in the Posvar Galleria (main floor).

Whether you are a new first year or transfer student, please join us to ask questions and meet your fellow students, staff, and faculty. Representatives for each of the majors, minors, and certificates across the Dietrich School and CGS will be in attendance, as well as important people from academic advising, student success resources, and more.

Forbes & Fifth, art by

Call for Submissions: Forbes & Fifth

Forbes & Fifth unites works of research, creative writing, scholarly articles, and visual art under the banner of interdisciplinary collaboration. If you are interested in having your work published as an undergraduate student at Pitt, please consider submitting to Volume 25 of Forbes & Fifth.

Written Work Deadline: February 16, 2024
Art Deadline: February 28, 2024

Three students make heart shapes with their hands in front of a fountain

Become a Dietrich School Ambassador


About the Position

The Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences is seeking dedicated and involved students to serve as Ambassadors in connecting with prospective students and their families. Ambassadors represent the social and academic diversity the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences offers. Working up to 10 hours per week throughout each semester, Ambassadors:

2023 Detour Student Exhibition Awards 

Department of Studio Arts Achievement Award 

selected by the faculty in recognition of excellence and promise in the practice of art, as well as leadership within, and contributions to, the life of the department:

Mia Stanton 


A. J. Schneider Awards  

selected artworks are exhibited for one year in the A. J. Schneider Reading Room at Hillman Library:

2023 Student Award Recipients

Student Award Recipients (from left to right): Ornella Al-Sayah, London Claridy, Airi Tilley, Charlie Taylor, Lauren Taylor, Rachel Nolan, Dominique Swift, Nicolette Lewis

The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the College of General Studies ce