If you prefer to come to our drop-in tutoring hours please check the schedule below to find when the course you are interested in is being offered. You can bring a friend, stop in for just a few questions, or stay longer to talk through complex topics with a peer tutor. Drop-in tutoring often allows for individualized support, but it can get busy around exams.
Drop-in tutoring takes place Sundays–Wednesdays from 6:00–9:00pm on the second floor of Hillman Library. If you are taking the elevator, turn left out of the elevator, make another left and follow the long hall to the end where our tutors will be waiting. Please use the list below to see the specific schedule of when tutoring for each course will be offered.
Check out the Drop-In schedule for the Spring 2025 semester below:
- BIOSC 0100 - Preparation for Biology
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 0150 - Foundations of Biology 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 0160 - Foundations of Biology 2
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 0350 - Genetics
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 1000 - Biochemistry
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 1250 - Human Physiology
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 1810 - Macromolecular Structure and Function
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- BIOSC 1820 - Metabolic Pathways and Regulation
Monday and Wednesday
- BIOSC 1850 - Microbiology
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0100 - Preparation for Chemistry
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0110 - General Chemistry 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0120 - General Chemistry 2
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0310 - Organic Chemistry 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0320 - Organic Chemistry 2
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0350 - Principles of Organic Chemistry
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0410 - General Chemistry 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0420 - General Chemistry 2
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0910 - Chemistry for the Health Professions
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0960 - General Chemistry for Engineering 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- CHEM 0970 - General Chemistry for Engineering 2
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- ECON 0100 - Intro to Microeconomic Theory
Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- ECON 0110 - Intro to Macroeconomic Theory
Monday and Wednesday
- ECON 1100 – Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Monday and Wednesday
- ECON 1110 – Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
- NROSCI 0080 - Brain and Behavior
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
- NROSCI 0081 - Drugs and Behavior
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
- NROSCI 1000 - Intro to Neuroscience
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- NROSCI 1017 - Synaptic Transmission
Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- NROSCI 1250 – Human Physiology
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- PHYS 0110 – Intro to Physics 1
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- PHYS 0111 – Intro to Physics 2
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
- PHYS 0174 – Basic Physics for Science and Engineering 1
Tuesday and Wednesday
- PHYS 0175 – Basic Physics for Science and Engineering 2
Monday and Tuesday
- PSY 0010 – Intro to Psychology
Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
- STAT 0200 – Basic Applied Statistics
Sunday and Monday
- STAT 1000 – Applied Statistical Methods
Sunday and Monday