Undergraduate Dean Workshop Series

This series invites faculty and advisors to collaborate with representatives from the Office of Undergraduate Studies in the Dietrich School and the College of General Studies and address various topics and challenges impacting undergraduate students.

The Virtues, Ethics, and Dangers of Artificial Intelligence in the University: Lessons from Two Years Battling the Chatbots (9/20/24)

Jeff Aziz, Assistant Dean, Humanities and Academic Integrity Officer

Jeff Aziz

Access the recording of the Workshop

Why Undergraduate Internships Matter (10/4/2024)

Abdesalam Soudi, Dean's Fellow for Experiential Learning

Access the recording of the Workshop

Undergraduate Teaching During Times of Political Unrest (10-18-24)

Andrew Lotz, Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences

Andrew Lotz

Access the recording of the Workshop on YouTube

Undergraduate Academic Policies and G Grades FAQ (11-15-24)

Liann E. Tsoukas, Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences

Access the recording of the Workshop on YouTube

Making Accommodations (1/17/2025)

Frayda Cohen, Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences/Teaching Professor

Frayda Cohen

Access the recording of the Workshop on YouTube

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant Programs (2/7/2025)

Erica McGreevey, Assistant Dean of Arts and Sciences

Erica McGreevy

Access the recording of the Workshop on YouTube